It is a favorite theme of the Anti-Gay Industry to say we are "only 1% or 2% of the population." They say it so you won't feel so bad if we are discriminated against. I mean, who does it hurt if it is only 1% of the population? Right? 1%, that's not very many, obviously not a legitimate minority, right?
The truth is, United States Census in 2000 placed our number at 4% (approx. 12 million persons) of the population, with an asterisk: "it is difficult to get an accurate count because many fear discrimination if they disclose their orientation, especially on government forms." Does it matter if we are 1%, no, it shouldn't, no group should be discriminated against, but we aren't 1% and it is just one more lie of the Anti-Gay Industry that needs to be exposed.
Let's look at some other Census figures: Those who call themselves Polish-Americans are "only" 3.2% of our population, Scottish-Americans "only" 1.7%. Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islander-Americans numbered 426,194 in 2006, or "only" 0.14% of the population. The American Jewish population was estimated to be "only" 5,128,000 or (1.7%) in 2007. When you discriminate against these groups, you are rightly considered a bigot.
I don't think being less than 5% of the population qualifies any group as a target of discrimination. Do you?
1 year ago